Nursing Injury Statistics | What You Should Know in %year% – Nurse Yard

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Nursing Injury Statistics

The statistics around nursing injuries are more than just numbers; they're a compelling snapshot of the hazards and challenges that nurses face every day. Nurses are the unsung heroes of healthcare, often working long hours under stressful conditions. Despite the healthcare sector's advancements, workplace injuries, including the troubling trend of workplace violence in nursing, remain a pressing issue.

To address these concerns, it's crucial to be equipped with up-to-date statistics, practical advice, and the right gear, like compression socks.

In this article, we’ll cover the top statistics related to injury and violence that you need to know if you’re a nurse or aspiring to be one.

Nurse Yard’s specially designed compression socks for nurses help improve blood circulation and can reduce the discomfort and pain associated with long periods of standing or walking. By lessening muscle fatigue and providing vital support, compression socks can serve as a preventive measure against common nursing injuries.

Prevent workplace injuries while caring for your patients. Order your compression socks from Nurse Yard today.

Workplace Violence in Nursing

Workplace violence is a dark aspect of nursing that doesn't receive enough attention yet impacts many within the profession. These incidents can range from verbal abuse and threats to physical assault. Being aware of the prevalence and the evolving nature of these acts can help to develop better prevention methods.

How Many Nurses Are Assaulted Each Year?

A substantial number of nurses report experiencing some form of workplace violence annually. While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact number due to underreporting, estimates suggest that up to 25% of nurses have been physically assaulted by a patient or a patient's family member during their career (American Nurses Association). This comes out to a rate of physical assaults at 13.2 per 100 nurses per year (CDC). 

Is Nursing Violence Increasing?

Current data suggests an unfortunate upward trend in violence against nurses. In fact, a recent survey showed nearly half of hospital nurses (48 percent) reported experiencing a small or significant increase in workplace violence. 

To put this into perspective, this figure has skyrocketed from 30.6 percent in September 2021 and even more dramatically from 21.9 percent in March 2021. That's a 57 percent jump from September 2021 and a staggering 119 percent increase from March of the same year (National Nurses United).

Nursing Injuries

While workplace violence is a major concern, it's just one part of the broader issue of nursing injuries. Nurses are at risk for a range of injuries, from sprains and strains to more severe conditions like chronic back pain. In this section, we’ll go over how common injuries are among nurses, the most common types of injuries, which sector deals with the most injuries, and how nursing injuries compare to other fields.

How Common Are Injuries Among Nurses?

Injuries among nurses are, sadly, more common than one might think. Studies show that healthcare workers are at an elevated risk for workplace injuries compared to other sectors.

In 2016, Registered Nurses (RNs) in the private industry dealt with around 19,790 days away from work due to injuries or illness. The startling part is that these cases occurred at an incidence rate of 104.2 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, compared to the injury or illness rate for all occupations at 91.7 cases per 10,000 workers (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

What Are the Most Common Injuries Experienced By Healthcare Workers?

Among healthcare workers, including nurses, the most frequently reported injuries are sprains and strains, followed closely by bruises, bumps, fractures, scratches, and cuts. Overexertion and bodily reaction accounted for 45.6 percent of all cases with RN injuries and illnesses in 2016, while falls, slips, and trips accounted for 25 percent of the injuries (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). 

Meanwhile, violent events accounted for roughly 12.2 percent of the injuries, and additional issues such as needlestick injuries and exposure to harmful substances had even lower statistics.

What Sector Do Most Nursing Injuries Take Place

The sector where nursing injuries are most frequent is undoubtedly the hospital setting. While 61 percent of all Registered Nurses (RNs) are employed in hospitals, a staggering 74.1 percent of all nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses among RNs in 2016 took place in hospital environments (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

This disproportionate rate of injury in hospitals highlights the unique challenges that come with hospital nursing, surpassing other sectors like ambulatory healthcare services and residential care facilities. For instance, nearly half of the injuries among RNs in hospitals resulted from overexertion and bodily reaction, while this type of injury accounted for about one-third of the cases in ambulatory healthcare services (35.0 percent) and in nursing and residential care facilities (34.5 percent) [U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics]. 

Are Nurses Injured More Than Other Professions?

When compared to other professions, nurses face a disproportionately high risk of injury. Nurses are nearly five times more likely to experience a nonfatal injury or illness than those in other professions (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). This statistic highlights the unique set of challenges that nurses face and the need for tailored, effective injury prevention strategies within the healthcare sector.

Take Care of Your Body While Caring For Patients. Order Nurse Yard Compression Socks.

While nursing is an incredibly rewarding profession, it's also one fraught with physical demands and risks, from workplace violence to a host of potential injuries. In addition to implementing safety measures and advocating for improved working conditions, taking proactive steps to minimize physical strain can make all the difference. 

That's where Nurse Yard’s compression socks come in. These specialized socks are designed to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle fatigue, and lessen the physical toll of those 12-hour shifts. By providing your legs the support they need, you're taking a crucial step in injury prevention.

So why wait? You've dedicated your career to taking care of others; it's time to extend the same level of care to yourself. Order your own Nurse Yard compression socks today and experience the difference they can make in your daily routine. 


“Workplace Violence in Nursing: Dangerous & Underreported.” American Nursing Association.

“National nurse survey reveals significant increases in unsafe staffing, workplace violence, and moral distress.” National Nurses United.

“Extent of the Problem.” The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).,et%20al.%2C%202007)

“Occupational injuries and illnesses among registered nurses.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Workplace violence against nurses: a narrative review.” Journal of Clinical and Translational Research.

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